Episode 56: Prepping For Your Pets

Episode 56: Prepping For Your Pets

Preparing for emergencies is essential not just for humans but also for pets. Join Wendi as she discusses some steps to ensure the safety and well-being of your pets during emergencies. By being prepared, you can help reduce stress and anxiety for your pets and...
Episode 55: Starting a Preparedness Library

Episode 55: Starting a Preparedness Library

Many people may not be aware of the need to prepare for emergencies or disasters and may not realize that there are resources available to help them do so. Join Wendi as she discusses the importance of starting a preparedness library. By carefully choosing your...
Episode 54: Self-Reliance is Freedom

Episode 54: Self-Reliance is Freedom

Your mind is very powerful. Yet, if you’re like most people, you might not often think much when making a decision. And that causes you terrible results! Join Wendi as she discusses the relationship between self-reliance and freedom. Making choices is a fundamental...
Episode 53: Saving Money Using Powdered Milk

Episode 53: Saving Money Using Powdered Milk

Milk is expensive, but the nutritional profile of milk is impressive. So regardless of its cost, milk should be part of your pantry! Join Wendi as she discusses how you can save money using powdered milk. In these challenging times, making simple changes can get you...
Episode 52: 3 Vital Skills for Survival

Episode 52: 3 Vital Skills for Survival

It’s no secret that living costs are increasing, and most families are making cutbacks to save money. Then how can parents feed their family on a tight budget? Join Wendi as she discusses 3 vital skills for survival. Despite life difficulties, you can find ways to...