hurricane preparedness

As the hurricane season approaches, being proactive and preparing for the potential challenges ahead is crucial! Join Wendi as she reflects on her experience with a previous hurricane, a powerful and life-changing event that impacted her. The hurricane taught her invaluable lessons about preparedness and resilience, reminding her of the importance of being proactive during such disasters!

Here’s what to expect on the podcast:

  • What are the essential steps individuals and families should take to prepare for the hurricane season?
  • How can homeowners secure their properties to minimize damage during a potential hurricane?
  • What items should be included in an emergency supply kit for hurricane preparedness during the season?
  • How should parents handle potential power outages and ensure their children’s safety and comfort during the hurricane?
  • And much more!


Hurricane Irene Lessons and Observations Blog:

Butane Gas Stove with 4 Fuel Canister Cartridge on Amazon:

72-Hour Kit Resources:

Connect with Wendi Bergin!


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Container Gardening Course:

Download Home Storage Checklist:

Powder Milk Booklet:

10 Creative Uses for Freeze-Dried Food: