If a natural disaster has hit your community, you’re probably trying to make sense of what happened and deal with the stress of the situation. But is it possible to be emotionally prepared for a storm? Join Wendi as she discusses eliminating the stressors associated with the hurricane. Although stress is unavoidable, there are ways to reduce your worries while anticipating the arrival of a severe weather situation!

Here are the things to expect in the episode:

  • How can you reduce psychological stress before and during a disaster?
  • Why is it important to recognize the causes of your stress?
  • How can gratitude help you through hard times?
  • Why is it important to take care of yourself before others?
  • And much more!

Connect with Wendi Bergin!

Website: https://joyfullyprepared.com/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/joyfulprep

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joyfulprepper/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/selfreliantmoms/

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