My Blog
You’ll find posts about learning skills, my take on life’s adventures, and recipes.

Short Term Food Storage Menu Planner
Click Here To Download the Short Term Food Storage Menu Planner pdf
Potato Soup Jar Meal
Download RecipePotato Soup Jar Meal
4 Ways to Start Prepping for Free
For years now, when people find out that I’m “into” becoming as self-reliant as possible, their...
6 Must Have Foods For Your Pantry Medicine Cabinet
5 Reasons-Why You Should Make Your Own
You’ve probably seen the meme that says, “Why buy it for $7 when you can make it yourself for $92...
Chicken Butts and Quinoa
That's a gross title huh? I had to write this down somewhere while it's still oh-so-fresh. Bleh!...
Winter Preps II
Not sure if I’ve done this or not but I figured I post about it anyway. This is an email that I...
Facebook Posts
While in the midst of preparing for Hurricane Irene, I would get these ideas about prepping and...
Hurricane Irene Lessons and Observations
Lighting sources I need more oil and wicks for my hurricane lamps I have two lamps but one doesn't...
Canning Pickle Relish
I used the recipe for pickle relish from the Ball's Blue Book of Canning.You never can go wrong...
Sanitation Supplies
I know it's not fun to think of stuff like this but you have to. In case of just about anything,...
Not My Child!!!
It happened to me. I had heard that it could but I thought I had raised my children better than...
Ready to Learn More?
Are you ready to dive in to the wonderful world of preparedness?